About The Event
Bamboo is of vital importance from ecological, commercial and socio-economic points of view. Bamboo occupies an unparalleled position in plant kingdom in terms of its distribution, diversity and uses in the tropics and subtropics. Bamboo has more than 1500 documented uses and is widely used as paper and rayon manufacture, construction, architecture, engineering, handicraft, food and medicine.
Primary Objective: Soliciting global cooperation in bamboo sector making bamboo as the change agent for poverty alleviation and climate change.
Objectives of Global Bamboo Summit-2016
- Identify Challenges and Opportunities of Bamboo sector through deliberations.
- Solicit global cooperation for making bamboo as the change agent for poverty alleviation & climate change
- Enhance cooperation amongst countries by facilitating interactions between Government and key stakeholders
- Provide a platform for exchanging innovative ideas, best management practices and key developments in bamboo sector across the world.
- Promote entrepreneurship and enterprise development in bamboo sector.
- Streamline policy and legal framework for fostering bamboo growth story
Summit Schedule
Day 1: Inaugural Session(10:00 - 11:30 AM) | |||
Objective | Session Topics | Deliverables | Speakers/Dignitaries on Dias |
Welcome of Guests Lighting the Lamp Inaugural Speech Chief Guest Speech Vote of Thanks | Guests of Honour (Dr. Hans Friedrich, DG, INBAR, China) Chief Guest MPSBM representative IFGE representative |
Tea Break (11:30 - 12:00 PM) Day 1: Session 1 (12:00 - 1:30 PM) | |||
Objective | Session Topics | Deliverables | Speakers/Dignitaries on Dias |
Solicit global cooperation for making bamboo as the change agent for poverty alleviation and climate change. | Potential of bamboo in mitigating climate change | Recommendations/ action points for making bamboo a tool for climate change mitigation
LUNCH (1:30 - 2:30 PM) Day 1: Session II (2:30 - 4:15 PM) | |||
Objective | Session Topics | Deliverables | Speakers/Dignitaries on Dias |
Identify Challenges and Opportunities of Bamboo sector through deliberations. | Bamboo as a viable alternative for commercial plantations-Means & Methods to improve quality cultivation |
High Tea (4:15 - 4:30 PM) Day 1: Session III (4:30-5:30 PM) | |||
Objective | Session Topics | Deliverables | Speakers/Dignitaries on Dias |
Identify Challenges and Opportunities of Bamboo sector through deliberations. | Financing opportunities in Bamboo Sector |
Side Event 1 (Workshop by ARCH I) | |||
Objective | Session Topics | Deliverables | Speakers/Dignitaries on Dias |
Provide a platform for exchanging innovative ideas, best management practices and key developments in bamboo sector across the world. | Workshop-Bamboo Based Architecture | Learning & documenting Best Management practices in bamboo based constructions
Day 2: Session 1 (10:00-12:00 PM) | |||
Objective | Session Topics | Deliverables | Speakers/Dignitaries on Dias |
Promote entrepreneurship and enterprise development in bamboo sector. | Business opportunities in bamboo sector - Construction, Cottage industry, Furniture, Fashion, & Utility segment |
TEA BREAK (12: 00 - 12: 30 PM) Day 2: Session II (12:30-1:30 PM) | |||
Objective | Session Topics | Deliverables | Speakers/Dignitaries on Dias |
Provide a platform for exchanging innovative ideas, best management practices and key developments in bamboo sector across the world. | Enhancing market value for bamboo products through design and value add interventions |
Side Event 1 (Scientific Paper Presentations) | |||
Objective | Session Topics | Deliverables | Speakers/Dignitaries on Dias |
Provide a platform for exchanging innovative ideas, best management practices and key developments in bamboo sector across the world. | Presentations on research based projects on innovative bamboo technology usage |
Side Event 2 (Workshop on Bamboo Based Architecture) | |||
Objective | Session Topics | Deliverables | Speakers/Dignitaries on Dias |
Provide a platform for exchanging innovative ideas, best management practices and key developments in bamboo sector across the world. | Workshop-Bamboo Based Architecture |
SLUNCH ( 1:30 PM TO 2:30 PM) Day 2: Session III (2:30-3:30 PM) | |||
Objective | Session Topics | Deliverables | Speakers/Dignitaries on Dias |
Identify Challenges and Opportunities of Bamboo sector through deliberations. | Supply Chain Management- Value Chain Perspective |
Side Event 2 - INBAR EVENT (2:30-3:30 PM) | |||
Objective | Session Topics | Deliverables | Speakers/Dignitaries on Dias |
Provide a platform for exchanging innovative ideas, best management practices and key developments in bamboo sector across the world. | Strategy Development for Bamboo in South Asia Launch of Global Assessment on Bamboo & Ratan (GABAR) by INBAR |
HIGH TEA ( 3: 30 - 3:45 PM) Day 2: Session IV (3:45 - 4:45 PM) | |||
Objective | Session Topics | Deliverables | Speakers/Dignitaries on Dias |
Promote entrepreneurship and enterprise development in bamboo sector. | Skill development in Bamboo Sector to create sustainable livelihood opportunities |
Side Event 3 (3: 30 - 5: 30 PM) One to One Meetings | |||
Objective | Session Topics | Deliverables | Speakers/Dignitaries on Dias |
Enhance cooperation amongst countries by facilitating interactions between Government and key stakeholders | Business to Business Business to Government |
Day 3: Session I (10: 00 - 11:30 AM) | |||
Objective | Session Topics | Deliverables | Speakers/Dignitaries on Dias |
Enhance cooperation amongst countries by facilitating interactions between Government and key Stakeholders | Make in India with Bamboo |
TEA BREAK (11: 30 AM TO 11:45 AM) Day 3: Session III ( 11:45-1:00 PM) | |||
Objective | Session Topics | Deliverables | Speakers/Dignitaries on Dias |
Streamline policy and legal framework for fostering bamboo growth story | Policy support & regulatory framework-Need for convergence |
Few Words by Our Dignitaries
Harnessing the immense hidden sustainable economic potential of indigenous materials like bamboo isa passionate subject for me personally and hence I try to associate with such initiatives which can help in achieving a sustainable development.

Madhya Pradesh government has resolved to make the state a leading Bamboo State and the country a Bamboo Capital of the world. I'm confident that not only in the country but in the world, Madhya Pradesh will be able to set a new record in the region of bamboo-based development.

Why Attend the Event?
With the goal of uplifting the bamboo sector in India, and for giving this crucial sector a platform, you are invited to Global Bamboo Summit 2016 to take part in the deliberations on the overall economic benefits this sector could provide to the nation. The exposure and inputs provided by prominent speakers really helped this cause a great deal and now we can look forward to take movement further.
Bamboo is a multipurpose agro-forestry crop, has been an integral part of the Indian culture. It also fairs well on key sustainability parameters.
- Social security- About 8.6 million Indians depend upon Bamboo for their livelihoods.
- Ecological sustainability- One plant can sequester 400 kg of CO2.
- Economic viability- About Rs 50,000 Crore worth of market exists for bamboo and its products.
Our Previous Events


Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Ministry of Environment & Forest
Ministry of Rural Development
Ministry of Textiles
Ministry of Urban Development
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
Ministry of Tribal Affairs
Attend the #GlobalBambooSummit, 2016 from 8 - 10 April, 2016 at Indore, MP.
MPSBM & IFGE are organizing Global Bamboo Summit from 8th -10th April, 2016 at Indore, Madhya Pradesh!
Be a part of Global Bamboo Summit to be organized by MPSBM & IFGE on8th – 10th April, 2016 at Indore, Madhya Pradesh
#GlobalBambooSummit on 8th – 10th April, 2016 at Indore, Madhya Pradesh. To register, visit www.globalbamboosummit.org