Gurugram–From advocacy of periodic proportionate farming to confronting conditioning and searching solutions for the millennium city’s civic problems, the recently concluded TEDxGurugram brought to the fore ideas for bringing about dynamic change in the world we live in today.
Organised under the Infosys Anchor programme in India, the event on Sunday saw ten speakers brining fresh perspectives to the table.

A biker, fashion entrepreneur, data analyst, farmer, social activist and an architect, among others, made up the exciting line-up.
Prem Singh, an organic farmer from Bundelkhand, speaking in Hindi, captured imaginations with his idea of “Aavartansheel Kheti” or periodic proportionate farming.
Nazia Erum, founder of The Luxury Label, a workwear brand for women, found an interested audience as she spoke of how conditioning stops us from being our most fulfilled versions.
Her talk about labels, body sizes, fashion industry and finding your “powersuit” found resonance in all women present.
Ulrike Reinhard, a community activist who set up the Janwar castle — a skateboard park — described how the initiative contributed to breakdown of caste barriers and strides in education for the children in the rural village of Janwar in Madhya Pradesh. (IANS)