Mumbai– Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan is not its highest-paid top executive, according to the latest details published by India’s central bank, under the RTI Act.
Rajan’s total monthly emoluments, which stood at Rs.1,98,700, were less than that of three others – Gopalkrishna Sitaram Hegde (Rs.4,00,000), Annamalai Arappuli Gounder (Rs.2,20,355) and V Kandasamy (Rs 2,10,000), as per the RBI’s latest list of monthly emoluments of employees for the period of June-July 2015.

The RBI has published its “monthly emoluments of top management (as on July 1, 2015)” as also the “monthly emoluments of employees (as on June 30, 2015)”.
While the first section provides monthly emoluments of Rajan, the four deputy governors and 11 executive directors, the second section has more than 16,000 entries from all its offices some of which are for total monthly emoluments of less than Rs.10,000.
Rajan’s packet includes a basic pay of Rs.90,000, a dearness allowance of Rs.1,01,700 and “others” of Rs.7,000.
The RBI governor however remains on the top in terms of basic pay. The total monthly emoluments for each deputy governor stood at Rs.1,73,900, while those for executive directors were at Rs.1,70,864.
At least 44 employees earned more than the executive directors. (IANS)