New York–Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India Shashi Kant Sharma on Thursday here signed 11 audit reports of United Nations (UN) bodies, including that of Unicef (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) and UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), an official statement said.

“Shashi Kant Sharma, along with Mussa Juma Assad, Auditor General of Tanzania, and Amyas Morse, Auditor General of the United Kingdom, approved and signed 11 UN audit reports on Thursday, as approved by the Board (United Nations’ Board of Auditors),” the Finance Ministry said in a statement.
The reports will be presented to the UN General Assembly and to other governing bodies. The reports cover important UN agencies like Unicef, UNDP, UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), UN-Women, UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services) and the UN Headquarters, among others.
Sharma is here to attend the 70th regular session of the United Nations’ Board of Auditors, held at the UN headquarters. (IANS)